LeadCENTER Lead Management

Managing leads and building future client relationships has never been simpler. Get to know how to make the most of your leads as you grow your business.

Contact Relationship Management (CRM) Feature

LeadCENTER offers a robust CRM right within the platform.

New purchased and assigned leads automatically appear. You have the power to import a list of leads to get up and running in LeadCENTER quickly.

There’s no need to outsource your contact management or juggle competing software platforms — everything is here for you with LeadCENTER.

Downloadable Lead Card & Scanned Image for DM

LeadCENTER’s CRM will store any available Lead Card information, including a scanned image from the lead’s Direct Mail response card.

You can see the source and quality of leads purchased — helping with lead follow up and potential conversion.

Filter by Lead Type, Geography, Date and More!

LeadCENTER helps you sort and filter your list of leads. This is especially powerful when you’d like to reach out to a certain group of leads, or you need to follow up on leads by status.

Notes and Reminders

Leads can have reminders and notes attached that help you follow up or take an action on the lead’s account.

The bell icon in your top menu bar will signal the number of reminders ready for action!

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