Wellness Build Up was rich with resources!

Category: "Inspire" Stories

Date: September 22, 2023

What a great Wellness Build-Up campaign it’s been! We’ve shared with our Integrity family weeks of inspiring information and resources to help build confidence in our financial know-how. There have been straightforward how-to guides on starting a budget and paying down debt, but those are not always fun projects to take on.

We’ve also spent time looking at how to prioritize our financial goals and how to have a better balance between “the good days ahead” and daily enjoyment of what we have.

We’re happy that so much of the Integrity family participated in our activities and events, including two inspiring webinars from the financial advisors at Principal!

To inspire even more action, we held a raffle to give away annual subscriptions to the budgeting software You Need A Budget (YNAB) to 20 of our Integrity family members. The principles behind YNAB have helped thousands of people become more aware of their spending and expenses to more easily move toward their goals.

Congratulations to our raffle winners! We’re so thrilled to help everyone have more tools to grow their financial future.

As we all grow in our ability to manage our overall financial well-being, it’s important to remember that balance is the way to go for long-term sustainability in our financial relationships.

We would like to give a huge thank you to our Integrity family, for joining us on this growth-oriented journey!

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