Larry Drennan and Mickey Drennan from Drennan Insurance Marketing mentioned their grandson Noah, an aspiring cartoonist, who played a special part in their Integrity story.
Each time Integrity partners with a company, we give that company a special name. In the case of Drennan Insurance Marketing, the name was “Razorback.” At a meeting in Little Rock, Integrity CEO Bryan W. Adams learned about Noah’s artistic abilities and asked Noah if he’d be interested in designing a Razorback for us. We would then have another artist, Josh Widener, turn Noah’s design into a woodcut to hang in our office as a symbol of our partnership.
Noah took the assignment — and he came up with some wonderfully creative concepts:
From there, Josh brought Noah’s designs to three-dimensional life. Above is a photo of Noah holding a replica of the finished piece that’s now in our Dallas office.
Larry and Mickey Drennan’s impressive family legacy continues to grow. We are very grateful they chose to be part of our family.