Author: webdev

More Than a Business

Get a taste of the Integrity life and discover the people who are making it great.

Gain valuable insights.
Discover the opportunities.

Don’t miss the one event that can make the biggest difference to your business in the coming year – especially with everything that’s going on in the world today. Medicare Live! 2020 is a one-day online event where you can learn strategies, predictions and insights from some of the top names and experts in the country. Join us Monday, July 27th from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM CT.


Winning Culture and Proven Ownership Model Attracts Tri-State Financial to Partner with Integrity

In 2020, Tri-State expects to produce more than $35 million of annualized paid life insurance premium through mortgage protection, final expense and annuities products while serving up to 20,000 Americans annually. Complementing Integrity’s rapidly growing portfolio of acquisitions, this partnership expands Integrity’s ability to protect more American families and further strengthens its leadership position in the life insurance industry.