Announcing Game Time!

Category: Integrity Culture

Date: October 8, 2020

We’re so excited to officially announce the kickoff of Game Time 2020. Game Time is our 4th quarter and final push—a chance for every team member, across all Integrity offices, to bring a little competition to the most important time of the year for our business.

We love Game Time because it’s not only a chance for teammates to pull together and give it their all—it’s also a chance for us really turn up the excitement! Every week we give away swag, host inter-office competitions, announce exciting news and more.

Each office has an official Team Captain who is in charge of coordinating activities and events with their team. We could not do Game Time without these Team Captains, and we’re grateful for each and every one of them.

While everyone is pushing hard to finish strong the 4th quarter, we’re also having a lot of fun. As the Game Time swag is shared and Activity Challenges kick off, we can’t wait to see what our teammates are doing around the country.

It’s officially Game Time 2020, and we’re ready to win big, and win together.

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