Carrier Panel Highlights

Category: Integrity Culture

Date: August 19, 2020

This year is like none other in many respects, but especially so because of the novel coronavirus and the many unique challenges it presents. Denis Tauscheck, Chief Revenue Officer with Integrity Marketing Group, gathered together some of the top carriers in the industry to find out how the best in the business are approaching these challenges.

We heard from Armando Luna Jr., Vice President of Individual Medicare Sales and Marketing at CVS Health/Aetna; Craig Uchytil, Vice President of External Retail Distribution at Humana; Randy Mousel, Senior Vice President of Brokerage Sales at Mutual of Omaha; and Larry Cassar, Vice President of National Distribution at WellCare.

Together, they discussed the technology, innovations and solutions they’re using to make this AEP maybe even more successful than years past. Things like creating digital marketing materials, meeting with plan members and prospects via video platforms and utilizing social media to stay connected.

But it’s not just about educating and connecting — it’s about really listening to and supporting people in their specific needs.

In fact, tackling these unique challenges has opened up carriers to better assist plan members and prospects from a holistic level that may be carried through beyond the pandemic. As Larry Cassar put it, “I think a lot of the tools that we’re all talking about, I don’t anticipate going away…I think we’re all learning from this and it’s really forcing us to really rethink how we shape our businesses for the better.”

For more details on exactly what the leaders in the industry are doing to keep relationships strong during the pandemic, watch the full panel discussion by clicking below.

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