Game Time 2021 Highlight Reel Shows Off Your Spirit Week Energy

Category: Integrity Culture

Date: October 26, 2021

This year’s Game Time is off and running and it’s already exceeding our expectations! Your photos and videos have been amazing — it’s incredible to see your excitement and energy as we all work toward finishing the year off strong.

Across the nation, the entire Integrity Team has caught hold of the Game Time spirit. We’re blown away by your enthusiasm, teamwork and dedication to a successful finish to 2021.

We couldn’t be more pleased with the way you’ve shown up for Game Time so far. There’s so much more to accomplish together during this 4th Quarter stretch. We can see how much you’re ready to work hard, have fun, and enjoy the energy from the whole Integrity family.

Want to see all the best first week camaraderie, like Jenga towers, ice cream sundaes and team huddles? Check out the above highlight reel we put together summarizing the first couple of weeks of Game Time.

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