Game Time 2022 Highlights Episode 4: Time Out for Charity

Category: Integrity Culture, Integrity Serves

Date: December 6, 2022

Game Time this year has truly been an incredible ride with so many cool things happening in our offices all over the country, and we aren’t done yet!

For our latest Activity Challenge, we all came together for a powerful demonstration of one of our greatest core values here at Integrity — Service. The Time Out for Charity Activity Challenge gave our offices all around the country the special opportunity to bring joy to the hearts of children in our local communities.

Check out the highlight reel above to see the amazing donations that have happened in our offices this past week.

Game Time 2022 has been unbelievable, and we are so proud to be a part of this Integrity family. There is still time to turn up the heat and work hard to close out the 4th Quarter strong. Thank you all again, and keep up the fantastic work!

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