Making Dreams Come True

Category: Integrity Culture

Date: February 23, 2021

Three years ago, Family First Life President and Integrity Partner Shawn Meaike visited the charity Dream Center and was touched by the service this organization was performing.

The Dream Center is a faith-based nonprofit in Los Angeles dedicated to transforming lives and underserved communities. Shawn immediately jumped in to help this good cause by sponsoring their holiday party for the last few years.

Due to COVID, this year the Dream Center made the party a drive-through experience where they were able to greet around 25,000 cars over a span of three days to provide presents, food and dinners.

But more impressive than the numbers were the lives touched and possibly changed from this act of service. Take a look at the photos and video above to see how families were impacted because of this special event.

Outreach like this is central to our values at Integrity, and we’d like to thank everyone at Family First Life who participated.

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