Marc Meade — A Man With Many Talents

Category: Integrity Contests

Date: April 30, 2021

Marc Meade of Family First Life Tri-State has offered the comic relief we all need with his hilarious submission. From rollerblading to lip-syncing, Marc has a wide variety of talents that are sure to make you smile. He explained, “My talent is my ability to fall flat on my face and dust it off and keep it moving!”

Though Marc’s epic wipeout in his submission was initially planned, his coworkers were slightly nervous about the grand plans. As you can see in the video, Marc stayed true to his plans. He hopes this funny video will help others to pick themselves up when their down — no matter how hard you fall!

Marc’s chosen charity is Hillsong East Coast. This ministry hits home for Marc because he and his wife have volunteered for Hillsong for years, helping others in their community. Integrity is proud to make a donation to the Hillsong East Coast in Marc’s name.

Click here to check out Marc’s video and vote now!

Marc’s hilarious submission is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. Don’t forget to keep voting through May 2nd at 5 PM CT.


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