Jasmine Jones – Rising Up to Serve People with Disabilities

Category: Integrity Contests, Integrity Culture, Integrity Serves

Date: May 27, 2020

Integrity Idol semi-finalist Jasmine Jones from AIMC sang a stirring rendition of the song “Rise Up” on her submission video. She is definitely rising up in support of her chosen charity — Empower Cherokee, an organization that helps people with intellectual and physical disabilities enjoy better lives. The opportunity to serve them has had a big impact on Jasmine:

“I first got involved when my teammate Jason Woodward suggested that we use our Integrity service time there — and I am absolutely glad we did. I met some of the most amazing people and formed some awesome relationships.

I volunteered last December with my AIMC family to help assist with the needs of the people who are part of Empower Cherokee. We helped with each activity such as crafting, reading, lunch time, games and more. We were just there to lend a helping hand — but we ended up forming an amazing bond with everyone we met.”

AIMC at Empower Cherokee

We’re honored to send $500 in Jasmine’s name to Empower Cherokee. Heartfelt thanks to her and the team at AIMC for their support of this great organization.

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