Watch the Highlights of Integrity’s 2022 Diwali Celebration!

Category: Integrity Culture

Date: January 5, 2023

Culture is key to our success at Integrity. One way we emphasize the importance of our people is by celebrating the diverse stories and backgrounds that make up the Integrity family! In October, we were thrilled to come together to commemorate the holiday Diwali, the Festival of Lights, and celebrate its Indian origins.

Many in our Integrity family hold this holiday dear to them. Here are a few facts on Diwali for those unfamiliar with the festival:

  • Diwali (Deepavali) signifies the celebration of the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance and good over evil.
  • Deepavali means “row of lights” in an ancient language of India, Sanskrit. It is one of the most popular festivals of India.
  • Diwali is celebrated by dressing in colorful traditional clothing, lighting the inside and outside of homes with lamps or other lights, enjoying a large traditional feast and participating in a gift exchange.

Diwali symbolizes the light and goodness we can share with the world, and the Integrity Diwali celebration engendered a rich cultural experience to put that on display! This year’s Diwali celebration was filled with incredible food, performances, music and showstopping moments.

It was amazing to share in this cultural celebration, and this event was a great reminder of how special it is to be part of the Integrity family. Relive the best moments from this year’s celebration and watch the above highlight video of the festivities!

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