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Get to know the faces behind the Integrity name. Each of these men and women work tirelessly to help the Americans we serve together prepare for the good days ahead.

Sanford M. Fisch

CEO, American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys

Sanford M. Fisch is the CEO of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys.

After earning his law degree from the University of San Diego in 1980, Sandy launched his career as a tax specialist with Coopers and Lybrand. Building on a strong educational background that includes a master’s degree in tax law, he quickly gained recognition as a knowledgeable and innovative estate planning attorney. Sandy teamed up with Robert Armstrong in 1989 to create Armstrong, Fisch & Tutoli, a leading law firm that has redefined the way estate planning is practiced in the U.S.

Today, as CEO of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys, Sandy is involved with all aspects of the Academy. He is co-author of The E-Myth Attorney, a groundbreaking book that details how attorneys can achieve a work-life balance through systematized operations. His unique insights and approaches have made him a highly sought-after advisor and consultant to law firms nationwide.

A resident of Rancho Santa Fe, California, Sandy has always been engaged in various sports and outdoor activities. He enjoys spending time with his wife, Julie, and their daughter, Tahlia, especially at their daughter’s equestrian competitions. In his other free time, he golfs!