Many American families share a deep desire to feel protected and financially secure — and California-based Family Financial and Insurance Services is committed to helping families achieve that objective. Integrity’s technology and resources will help them accelerate this important mission in new and innovative ways. Partnering with Integrity will empower the agency to expand opportunities for their diverse team of agents and the underserved communities they impact — so even more families can prepare for the good days ahead.
Successful companies are values driven. They establish practices based on proven principles and rigorously uphold them. The values of Family and Community are central to the mission of C. Ash Group — and they’re why the agency is such a perfect fit with Integrity. Based in Ohio, C. Ash Group treats all its stakeholders like family, in a supportive and high-energy environment. Integrity’s best-in-class technology and resources will help the agency serve clients and communities even more efficiently. We’re honored to welcome them to the Integrity family!