A message from Bryan on Integrity’s Readiness Plan.

Category: Other

Date: March 15, 2020

As you know, the coronavirus is having an impact on business and society. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those impacted by the situation. We believe this soon will pass, but like you, we’re watching the situation closely — and we want you to know we’re committed to supporting you and your business in every way possible.

We wanted to give you a few updates on what we are doing to prepare in advance of this situation.

First of all, our offices are open and we are working our normal office hours. In the unlikely event that we have to close our office, we want you to rest assured that we have implemented plans that will allow us to continue to support your needs without interruption. We started working on our plans well in advance of this and we have made preparation for employees to work remotely and to continue their day-to-day responsibilities so that you will continue to receive the world-class support and service that you deserve. This includes our contract and licensing support, new business processes, commission payments, policy administration support, carrier relations and sales/marketing support that you need to conduct your business.

Secondly, we are also working closely with our insurance carrier partners to ensure there are no disruptions in their business processes. We’re very encouraged by the careful preparations they’ve made, and their firm commitment to continue meeting the needs of all of their agents.

Finally, we want to thank you for placing your trust in us. We’re grateful for the critical role you play in providing life and health insurance protection to Americans who need it — especially in times like these.

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