Bryan W. Adams’ Big Pitch

Category: Other

Date: September 26, 2022

Our very own Co-Founder and CEO, Bryan W. Adams, had a truly remarkable experience last weekend that we wanted to share with you all: he got to throw the first pitch at a Red Sox game!

As a lifelong baseball fan, Bryan holds Fenway Park as something special in his heart; he took his boys for a game there last summer. They were amazed by the history, sportsmanship and generosity of the people of Boston, and it was great to share that memory with his sons. So when he was asked to come to a live game and throw out the first pitch, he was ecstatic and knew he had to bring the whole family to share the experience.

“It was a surreal and slightly nerve-wracking experience,” Bryan W. Adams said. “I had people telling me to not throw from the mound and play it safe, but I had to take the mound and do it right. My family was cheering me on and, thankfully, the pitch went well!”

It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that Bryan is honored to share with us all, and a great reminder that dreams do really come true!

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