Built to Serve with Excellence

Category: "Inspire" Stories, Integrity Serves

Date: October 30, 2020

The “Inspire” podcast featured new Integrity partner and one of the best people in our industry — Wes Fischer, President and Founder of the Health Insurance Store.

Wes shared the story of how his humble, blue-collar upbringing in Pittsburgh — and respect for his beloved Pittsburgh Steelers — helped instill a strong drive for excellence and commitment to serving others. Those attributes have guided him well as he has built a business dedicated to helping people in a very personal way.

At Health Insurance Store Access Center locations throughout Florida, Wes and his team are known for providing expert, in-person health insurance solutions. But that local presence also allows them to serve those in communities — including helping with Medicaid, low income subsidies, food stamps and more.

Here’s a photo of Wes making a sizable donation to help fund community food initiatives:

Wes Donation

And here are members of the Health Insurance Store team serving at a drive through food pantry pick up line:

A life centered around service is truly a life well lived. We’re grateful to Wes for his great example of a servant’s heart, and for his decision to join the Integrity family!

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