Our Integrity Idol Winners are…

Category: "Inspire" Stories, Integrity Contests

Date: June 9, 2020

PJ Galloway

PJ Galloway

Agent Pipeline

Patrick Cash

Patrick Cash

Integrity Marketing Group

The votes are in — and the Grand Prize winners of Integrity Idol are PJ Galloway of Agent Pipeline and Patrick Cash of Integrity Marketing Group.

Congratulations to PJ and Patrick for their exceptional performances throughout the competition — the honor couldn’t be more well-deserved!

Thanks largely to the incredibly generous Integrity Partners who pledged to give so much extra to all the charities involved, we’re now donating over $90,000 to worthy causes! When we decided to do Integrity Idol, we had no idea it would have such a powerful impact. It’s truly humbling to see what we’ve accomplished.

Integrity Idol has been such an amazing experience. Thanks to everyone who participated — especially the talented semifinalists and finalists! Not only has it been great to learn more about their lives and the charities they’re supporting, it’s also helped us feel more unified.

We’re already thinking about other fun ways we can come together as an Integrity family. Watch for more details — the good times, and good deeds, are just getting started!

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