Integrity Culture Academy – Our Core Value of Integrity

Category: "Inspire" Stories

Date: April 24, 2023

Last week on the “Inspire” Podcast, we gave you a sneak preview of our Integrity Culture Academy and this new video series. We’re so proud of this launch! Integrity Culture Academy was created to help educate our Integrity family members on all of our internal programs, as well as to showcase our culture and core values.

These core values are Integrity, Family, Service, Respect and Partnership — they are the heart and soul of Integrity. To truly showcase what these values mean to us, we showed our five new videos on the “Inspire” Podcast last week. These videos personify how we live and breathe these values every day. Not just inside the walls of Integrity, but in our lives as well.

Today we’re excited to share with you the value of Integrity. It’s in our name and frames all that we do. Integrity means doing what you say you’ll do, when you say you’ll do it. With integrity comes confidence in your actions and your stance. Check out the video above to learn more about this important Integrity value!

We’ll be sharing a new value video with you every day this week! We can’t wait for you to watch these videos and get to know what Integrity is all about, whether you are part of the Integrity family, hoping to join us, or just learning more about our incredible company. Enjoy!

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