Listen More Than You Speak — A Simple Yet Effective Skill to Boost Closing

Category: "Inspire" Stories

Date: April 1, 2022

Thank you for attending our latest Women in Leadership Seminar! What an impactful talk with a woman who knows the value of perseverance: Karen Fredricks, CEO of MultiState Insurance Center.

Karen didn’t start her career landing every sale. Bubbly and relational, Karen loved to chat during prospect meetings, but she often talked herself right out of a sale! Eager to improve, Karen asked her dad for advice. His response? “You have two ears and one mouth. Use them in proportion.” Hear the backstory in the video clip above.

By learning to focus, actively listen and ask the right questions, Karen went on to become a top producer in the industry, the CEO of her family business and a Managing Partner with Integrity.

Our Women in Leadership Seminar Series is building steam every single interview. Click here to view this entire interview. Stay tuned for more — we are only just getting started!

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