Livin’ It Up on The Lake

Category: "Inspire" Stories

Date: March 8, 2022

If there’s one thing our Integrity partners have in common, it’s that they all understand the importance of community. That is certainly the case for new partner Jim Helbig of J. Helbig & Company!

For Jim, community is all about support. He shows that support in how he treats his agents and how he serves the federal market. Jim’s ability to connect with agents and clients alike helped build his company and develop their stellar reputation for customer service. One of the ways Jim has grown his community is through friendships with other industry leaders, like fellow Integrity partner Mike Wingate. Another way is through Jim’s other passion: boating.

Jim and his family love being on the Lake of the Ozarks. From April to October, the Helbigs and other boating friends get out on the lake and do what’s called “coving out” — when boaters set up camp in one of the lake’s many coves and form a big raft. They create their own community on the lake.

On the “Inspire” Podcast, we’re lucky to get to hear amazing stories about how our partners create and cultivate communities. Check out the rest of the episode to learn more about Jim, his company and his vision for the future with Integrity!

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