Living The American Dream

Category: "Inspire" Stories, Integrity Culture

Date: August 6, 2021

Recently on the “Inspire” Podcast, we had the pleasure of chatting with Ivan Vedrov, President of Universe Financial.

Ivan grew up in Russia, with a dream to eventually find his way to America. During his childhood, he developed a passion for one of the most popular winter sports, ice hockey.

Spinning around on ice with precision and speed is difficult. Ivan learned a lot about tenacity through hockey. His ability to work hard is clear in every swish of his hockey stick, but it’s also very apparent in his successful career.

One day, Ivan’s wish to immigrate to the United States was realized. He showed up on Lady Liberty’s doorstep with only $1,000 in his pocket to build a new life. Not only did Ivan continue to play hockey in the U.S., but he also continued to hustle, working hard every day to fulfill his version of the American dream.

When Ivan found the insurance industry, he knew he had uncovered something life changing. The ability to help people while creating a successful business was too great an opportunity to pass up — and he has been building Universe Financial ever since.

We are amazed by Ivan’s story and so grateful he is bringing his unique perspective and hardworking attitude to Integrity.

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