Rising Up from Tragedy to Serve Others

Category: "Inspire" Stories, Integrity Serves

Date: January 8, 2021

On our first “Inspire” podcast of the new year, we had a wonderful time visiting with our new partner, Jay Ebert from Best Value Insurance Services. Jay is one of the most caring and compassionate people in our business. He’s dedicated his life to serving others — and he knows as well as anyone the blessings service can bring.

In 2007, Jay’s talented fifteen year old daughter Chelsey passed away from a rare form of cancer. Before her passing, Chelsey asked Jay to set up an athletic scholarship fund for girls at her high school. That request led Jay and his wife Stephanie to create an entire charitable foundation in Chelsey’s name that has helped support multiple causes — including the creation of a special youth waiting area in the hospital where Chelsey had received treatment.

Here are some photos of the new hospital waiting area:


And here are Jay, Stephanie and family:

Life is guaranteed to throw us difficult challenges. How we respond to them says everything about our character. It’s inspiring to learn from people like Jay and Stephanie Ebert who can rise up from a painful tragedy and look for ways to make the world a better place. It’s a true honor to welcome them into the Integrity family.

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