Ryan Kimble Session Highlights

Category: Partner News

Date: August 24, 2020

Agent Recruiting

During Medicare Live! 2020’s Agency Session track, Agent Pipeline President Ryan Kimble—a leading expert in the field—provided advice to help you build the best agency possible.

Ryan’s session on Agent Recruitment pulled from his long history with building and growing an agency, including many ups and downs. He gave an overview of the lessons he’s learned over the years, including:

  • Where to get started
  • Why to build your agency
  • Building your “value proposition”
  • Partnering to leverage your value
  • Developing your recruitment plan

Ryan offers invaluable advice on how to find success in this space, starting with a few words of wisdom from Arthur Ashe: “Start where you are, use what you have and do what you can.”

If you’re interested in boosting your recruiting efforts, take a few minutes right now and listen to what Ryan has to say by clicking below.

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