Serving Americans

Category: "Inspire" Stories, Integrity Serves

Date: December 2, 2021

On the “Inspire” Podcast, we spoke with the husband and wife team at PIPAC Health & Life Insurance Brokerage. Greg Saul shared that his motivations in this industry comes from more than just a passion for insurance, but a tradition of serving Americans that began in his military days.

Greg is a proud Vietnam veteran. His service was cut short when he, as he put it, “got blown up by a rocket” in 1970. The damage to his right leg caused him to undergo emergency surgery. This still affects him to this day, as he has what’s known as a “drop foot.”

For his sacrifice, he received the Bronze Star and Purple Heart, and he was honorably discharged from the Air Force at age 21. After his military service, Greg wanted a career that would allow him to help those in his community, and that’s when he discovered the satisfaction that a career in insurance can bring. With the help of his wife, LeaAnn, Greg is helping those in Iowa and the Dakotas get access to quality healthcare options.

As for Greg’s injury, it’s never stopped him for a minute. Greg has played on local softball leagues for over 40 years. He also hosts and visits classic car shows with his collection of pristine vehicles. He even took us out for a spin as part of PIPAC’s partnership announcement video.

We are grateful to Greg for his military service and his continued dedication to serving Americans. We have so much respect for the veterans in our Integrity family and wanted to make sure we highlighted his service. Check out the episode of the “Inspire” Podcast featuring Greg and LeaAnn to learn more about their company and why they are the ideal fit as an Integrity partner.

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