The Course to Success

Category: "Inspire" Stories

Date: October 14, 2021

On a recent “Inspire” Podcast, we spoke with Kurt Reichley, President of our new partner, Brokerage 1 Agency.

For Kurt, golf has become a passion. From the deck of his lake house, he can see a beautiful golf course. He can sit out there and enjoy the view. It also means he can easily visit the course and practice his golf swing anytime he wants.

Kurt admits he still has a ways to go before becoming a great player, but he is always improving his skills. For Kurt, it is the small, incremental growth that has made the biggest difference in his game.

In the game of golf, each club serves a different purpose. This is much like a business, as each client is different. Through years of practice, Kurt and his team have perfected their swing. Steady growth through practice and personalized attention always pays off.

Steady and sustained growth has been the cornerstone of Kurt’s own success. Kurt began his career working in a factory. From there, he moved into part-time work for a life insurance company. He quickly found a passion for it and his hours increased. A few years later, Kurt purchased Brokerage 1 and applied his theory of sustained and incremental growth to the business.

That growth is also evident on the golf course, as he is regularly joined by his wife, Connie. On special occasions, they are also joined by their five grandchildren — each one eager to spend time with their grandparents and ride in a golf cart. It seems that in all aspects of Kurt’s life, steady growth always wins — no ifs, ands or putts.

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