The Power of Teamwork

Category: "Inspire" Stories

Date: April 22, 2022

When it comes to teamwork, no one understands it quite like our new partner, Tray Honeycutt of Honeycutt Insurance Marketing. Tray shared how the power of teamwork shaped his life through his experiences with speedskating and his time serving in the United States Marine Corps.

Tray grew up speedskating. He started with inline skates and progressed to speedskating on ice rinks. It was his obsession and he worked hard to improve his skill alongside his team, which included future Olympian Derek Parra!

Tray says that speedskating is the ultimate individual team sport. If you aren’t willing to put in the personal time and effort alone, then you can’t be there to help your team when the time comes. He compared this to his time in the Marines as well, saying that he learned quickly that what he did affected everyone else. If he didn’t put his effort into his training, the whole team could get hurt.

The military also taught him the importance of a shared goal. When the whole team is working together to complete the same mission, their combined strength is what pushes the team forward. He brings that same passion to his business, bringing his agents together as a team and uniting them in purpose to help people when they need it most.

Tray’s dedication to teamwork shows in everything he does. His example reminds all of us to work together and strive for great things. Be sure to check out the rest of Tray’s episode of the “Inspire” Podcast to learn more about this amazing new partner and his excitement to join our Integrity team!

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