The Railroad to Success

Category: "Inspire" Stories

Date: July 21, 2022

Few of our partners have a history quite like industry legend Hubert Humphrey of HGI. His work building three successful marketing companies has made him an icon, but what many people don’t know is that insurance is Hubert’s second career. On a special video “Inspire” Podcast, Hubert shared that the road to success is sometimes a detour on the railroad.

Growing up in Macon, Georgia, Hubert knew he wanted to go to Georgia Tech. He was an honor student and did well in university. He also married his childhood sweetheart, Norma, during his second year. When they found out they were expecting their oldest son, Hubert set out to find a summer job.

Hubert’s best friend had just started working at the railroad and recommended he check it out as well. The promise of a good paycheck led him to apply, and soon after he was hired. He and his friend became two of the youngest conductors in their company.

But that one summer turned into years on the rails, and the work took its toll. Hubert experienced train derailments, lost his friend in a collision after swapping work shifts with him and still walks with a limp after being thrown from a train. One day, Hubert woke up and took stock of his life. He now had three kids and had never gone back to school like he’d planned. He says it was like a fog was lifted from his mind and he wanted a change! He wanted to build something of his own. It took another decade of trying, but Hubert never gave up and eventually found his true calling in insurance.

And aren’t we glad he did? Hubert’s legacy of service has inspired an entire generation of insurance leaders to get out there and help people. Be sure to check out our special video episode of the “Inspire” Podcast and learn more about Hubert’s incredible career.

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