Treasures in the Woods

Category: "Inspire" Stories

Date: February 3, 2022

There’s something special about a walk in the woods. It’s an escape into nature that can lead to fun stories or going home with something special. For Senior Insurance Marketing’s Mike Roth, that comes in the form of deer antlers.

Bucks shed their antlers every winter, leaving them on the forest floor. Mike and his family like to walk in the woods surrounding his cabin early in the year and search for antlers. The best way to find them, Mike says, is to understand the deer’s sleeping habits. Looking for antlers in places they sleep yields better results. Some years, Mike and his family find as many as 70 antlers on their walks.

Mike shared that, for him, the antlers are a symbol of growth. Because the bucks grow new and bigger antlers every year, the old antlers show how far they have come. With this new partnership, Senior Insurance Marketing may be shedding its old set of antlers. However, the new ones will be bigger and better than ever before.

It was wonderful connecting with Mike on the “Inspire” Podcast and hearing about how nature helps him draw close to family and prepare for new adventures. Check out the rest of the episode to hear more about the Roth family and their inspiring company!

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