Whitewater Wisdom

Category: "Inspire" Stories

Date: June 24, 2022

Eric Valdez of the Valdez Group is a strong believer that wisdom is gained though experience. Recently, he shared a story about how his own experiences helped him gain the wisdom to mentor his son through an expedition in whitewater rafting.

Eric grew up in the water. A Southern California native, he spent his youth in the ocean boogie boarding, surfing and taking off on all kinds of adventures. He loved the outdoors and even earned the rank of Eagle Scout. So, when the time came for his youngest son to earn his whitewater rafting merit badge in Scouts, Eric was eager to get back in the water and share this experience with his son.

As they got onto the water, however, Eric made an important realization. Although he had expertise in navigating difficult waters, his son had not mastered those skills. He found himself torn between wanting to protect his son and letting him learn. He knew he needed to take a step back and let his son take charge because that was how he would learn. He had to let his son make errors so he could learn and grow from the experience.

Eric let his son take the lead but also made sure to guide him enough to avoid danger and to help him not miss out on fun moments along the river. He shared that it became a great learning experience not only for his son but for him as well. Understanding how to mentor and guide someone through a learning experience has helped him at home and at work as he strives to be a better mentor to his agents.

We love hearing our partners share their wisdom, experiences and aspirations on the “Inspire” Podcast. We work with amazing partners and every episode proves it! Be sure to tune in and catch the latest in all things Integrity.

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