“You don’t need a title to be a leader” — Learn What It Takes Instead

Category: "Inspire" Stories

Date: June 21, 2022

Thank you for attending our latest Women in Leadership Seminar! Every single time we broadcast a new interview, your participation keeps growing, and the positive feedback is incredible. This interview was no different, with an incredibly inspiring and just plain fun talk with Stacey Anderson, VP of Operations at American Benefit, LLC.

Stacey’s lessons started with her hard-working grandparents and parents, and it all came together when she was living her inner values of ethics and service in her role at American Benefit. There, she realized that everyone can be a leader — “you don’t need a title” — it really comes down to how you treat and serve people.

You can see Stacey deliver this powerful insight in the video clip above.

Stacey’s pivotal leadership at American Benefit was noticed by all the right people and valued so much that she earned the title of VP of Operations at a crucial moment in the company’s growth.

We’re so honored to share the wisdom and insights each new guest of our Women in Leadership Seminar Series brings.

Click here to view this entire interview. Our next interview is in the works, so stay tuned for announcements and be ready to be inspired!

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