Living the American Dream

Category: "Inspire" Stories

Date: November 18, 2022

PHP Agency founder and CEO, Patrick Bet-David, sat down with us for a special video episode of the “Inspire” Podcast. He shared stories of growing up in Iran in the 1980s and how his parents’ decision to come to the United States changed his life.

Patrick was born at the peak of the Iranian Revolution — Iran was plunged into war within the first few months of his life. Concerned for their safety, his family left Iran, hoping to make it to America.

Patrick, along with his mother and sister, first went to Germany. They lived in a refugee camp before his entire family received American Green Cards. Patrick explained the feeling was like winning the lottery! In 1990, they settled in California.

Patrick says he has built a successful life because of his parents’ sacrifice. He honors that sacrifice through his own actions. He joined the Army and served in the 101st Airborne Division, built a business that helps people in their time of need, and became a social media influencer, author, mentor and loving family man. Patrick truly is making the most of his American dream, and he’s not slowing down anytime soon!

Be sure to check out our entire video edition of the “Inspire” Podcast to learn more about Patrick, PHP Agency and this incredible new partnership!

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