The “Go,” the “Whoa” and the “Glue”

Category: "Inspire" Stories

Date: January 24, 2021

On the “Inspire” Podcast, we heard from our newest Integrity Partners Todd Villeneuve, Dave Martens and Dave Thesing of IFC National Marketing. The three of them are more than just business partners. They’re also very close friends who work incredibly well together — in spite of their very different personalities.

As they explained on the podcast, Todd has typically played the role of “Go” at IFC, always looking to push the business forward. Dave Thesing has often been the one who says “Whoa,” taking an analytical and thoughtful approach. And Dave Martens has generally been the “Glue,” providing steady leadership and balanced judgement. Together, they’ve built an incredibly successful business — and gained a deep mutual respect for what each brings to the table.

Here are some great shots of Dave, Dave and Todd working and relaxing at Dave Martens’ lakefront home in Northern Minnesota.

It takes all kinds of people and personalities to build a successful business. That’s especially true for us at Integrity as we continue to grow. When we respect one another, there’s no limit to what we can accomplish together. Our new partners at IFC are a great example of how it’s done.

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