Family Category: "Inspire" Stories

More Than a Business

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Integrity Idol Finalist Cameryn Rupa Sings “Time of Your Life”

We wanted to share more talent from Cameryn Rupa of ThomasARTS, following her live performance this morning on the Integrity “Inspire” Podcast! Here is a video of her singing “Time of Your Life”, the song she performed on her first “Inspire” podcast appearance. Voting has been extended through Sunday, June 7 at 6 pm CT…


A Connection to Baseball and Each Other

Since sharing an update on Janet Frederick’s cancer fight, many people asked about her son, Carter, a terrific baseball player who has earned a scholarship to his dream school, Auburn University — the same college Integrity Partner, Mike Killimett played for years ago. Due to the coronavirus, Carter’s high school senior season had to be..


The Hoops Career of Bob Grannan

Special thanks to Integrity’s very own Bob Grannan for joining us on the “Inspire” podcast. Bob sent over a great picture of himself from his college basketball playing days. Here’s what Bob has to say about his hoops career: “This is me heading into my senior year at Indiana State University Evansville, the 1973-1974 season. I..


Making a Child’s Wish Come True

Tidewater Management Group President Todd Fincher recently appeared on the “Inspire” Podcast and talked at length about his personal love and gratitude for Make-A-Wish Foundation. Make-A-Wish is a cause the entire team at Tidewater has rallied around — and it’s made a huge difference in the life of one child. In December 2017, the team..


A Family Full of Tigers

On the “Inspire” podcast, Savers Marketing Executive Vice President Brad Campbell talked about two of his greatest passions in life — his family and Clemson football. After the call, he sent us some pictures that cover both! In the photo above, you’ll see two of Brad’s grandchildren, Campbell and Caleb, decked out in gear that..


Good News from the Battlefront

On a recent “Inspire” podcast, we honored Janet Frederick of Medicare Advantage Specialists for her commitment to helping others. Not only is Janet a team player, she’s a warrior. Last year, Janet found out she had stage 4 cancer — she started chemotherapy the week after Christmas. With permission, we have great news to share…


The Doud Drive-In Theater is Open!

Premier Marketing’s own Nate Doud and his wife, Kasey, have been staying busy and keeping their boys entertained during quarantine by turning their new home theater into a drive-in theater while waiting for furniture to arrive. Here are a picture of their sons enjoying the show: Nate is also known in the industry for his..


Talent Runs in the Family

Larry Drennan and Mickey Drennan from Drennan Insurance Marketing mentioned their grandson Noah, an aspiring cartoonist, who played a special part in their Integrity story. Each time Integrity partners with a company, we give that company a special name. In the case of Drennan Insurance Marketing, the name was “Razorback.” At a meeting in Little..


Integrity Partner Bill Douglass’s Backyard Office

These days, lots of people are working remotely. Integrity Partner Bill Douglass, President of Savers Marketing, is no stranger to it. From 1988 to 2015, he worked in a shed in his backyard that doubled as his office. Above is a photo of it. Bill built an incredible career working out of that shed. He..


Tim McCoy Sr. — American Hero

On a recent Integrity “Inspire” podcast, NEAT President and CEO Tim McCoy Jr. talked about the lessons he had learned from his father, Tim McCoy Sr., about overcoming adversity. Tim Sr.’s experiences from World War II were nothing short of harrowing. In early 1943, he was assigned to the USS Grenadier submarine. On April 21,..


Strong women. Powerful stories.

The women of Integrity were asked to share how they’ve inspired people in their lives, or how other women have inspired them. Their stories help illustrate why women are such a potent force in insurance today. This is what it means to be Integrity Strong. Check back often for more inspirational stories.